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Posillipo - Phlegrean Fields - Walking through Archaeology, Myths and Volcanoes

  • Departure at 10.30 from Residenza le Rose Villa d’Arte.
  • Stop for a guided tour of the Cave of Seiano and Archaeological and Natural Park of Pausilypon (reservation is needed). Entry EUR 5.
  • We cross the surroundings features with the testimonials industrial archeology of the steel complex Italsider, then until you reach Via Napoli where there are the most beautiful views of the Gulf of Pozzuoli to Cape Miseno.
  • We arrive at the archaeological site of Rione Terra in Pozzuoli, where the visitor is immersed in the history of the myths, between the underground buildings and roads from Roman times up to the Temple of Augustus.
  • Stop at one of the restaurants and pizzerias of the Port of Pozzuoli, you will choose yourself strolling through the mazes of quaint seaside village.
  • The path proceeds with a visit to the Vulcano Solfatara, that retains in its crater filled with fumaroles the remains of ancient baths.
  • Between the underground buildings and roads from Roman times up to the Temple of Augustus.
  • If you are not tired, you can stop off for a dive from the rocks of Via Napoli.
  • Back to Villa within 7,30 p.m.
  • Price minivan with driver EUR 100, plus diesel.
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